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7 Jul 2024 -
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7.7.2024 -
MyAAC is just READY to use!

9.5.2024 -
New Season Of Qumora

System Features

Global Server Loot Boost System: Players can contribute money into the well located in Thais to activate the server XP drop system.

Guild Point System: We are proud to introduce our new in-game system for guild members, called the GuildCoin system. Requirements to claim reward: At least 5 players must be online. Each player must have a unique IP address. Players must be at least level 1000. Command to claim reward: Players can use either !guildcoins or /guildcoins to claim their reward. Reward amount: Each account receives 200 guild coins upon claiming the reward. Cooldowns: There's a 24-hour cooldown for using the command in the guild if more players join. There's a 1-week cooldown for reusing the command to claim more points.


 We added the following events in the server to give a way for players to obtain items without donating. The following events include EVENT DREAM, EVENT GEOSTORM, EVENT BOMBERMAN, EVENT CTF, EVENT ZOMBIE, EVENT SAFEZONE, and EVENT RUSH. An NPC was created for players to trade the event tokens.

Castle Guild War Event: This Event starts every 24 hours starting at 17:00 PST. The winner of the guild event will receive the following rewards: Boosted Experience, Boosted Skills, and Boosted Loot. It should be noted there is a requirement to join the event.

Snowball Event: Monday-Sunday 12:00, 14:00, 0:00. This event is very famous and known in the world from Tibia servers. It is an event where players must shoot snowballs at other players in a room. If you hit another player, you win a point. If another player hits you, you lose a point. When time is up, whoever has the best score will win. The event can be customized according to your preferences, such as the number of winners, rewards, effects, regions, points per shot, etc. Command to join event: You can join the event by saying !snowball join. Command to shoot the snowball: !snowball shoot. The reward for now will be Qumora coin.

Unique Systems:

Advance Monster: chance to summon a rare monster tier that gives bonus XP.

Magic Items System and Magical Item Craft System: We have an advanced item system which allows regular items to have additional stats. This system is called 'Magic Items' or 'Randomized Item Stats'. If you kill ANY monster, all wearable loot dropped has a chance to have improved stats; however, only 1 item per monster can become magical. All equipment dropped by any monster has an equal chance to get magical stat bonuses. You can only find certain attributes on items, for example, a wand cannot get bonus armor and paladin armor cannot get bonus attack. When an item becomes magical, it can get a prefix, suffix, or both. The maximum amount of attribute bonuses an item can receive is two. Here are some examples below. We added a special twist to this system where you can transfer magical items into dust to then craft magical items. This will give players a reason to loot all magical items. (Reference The Magic Items Page on the website for further information.) Item Tier List: Common (Very common, low item stats... not very impressive. (5% Chance) Uncommon (More rare than common items but still easily obtainable. (3% Chance) Rare (Rare quality items have impressive stats, harder to find. (2% Chance) Epic (Epic quality items are very useful, very hard to find. (1% Chance) Legendary.

Task System Update: We have added bosses to the task system. These bosses can be tackled one time or daily, and the rewards will include a boss coin and XP you will be able to spend boss coins. Via NPC. Due to the new Tibia cooldown for bosses, we are excited to announce the introduction of a new system for players. Those with crystal coins will now have the ability to reset the boss cooldown within the mini-boss teleport. This NPC is located in MINI boss. This feature also includes monsters inside the system. It should be noted some bosses will not be allowed to reset.

Unlimited Mana and UH Rune and Qumora Arrow: We have recently added three new items to the Qumora server: the Qumora Sd Rune, offering more damage and unlimited uses; the Qumora Mana Rune, providing unlimited and enhanced healing; and the UH Rune, allowing for unlimited use. It should be noted that these items are currently only available inside the store, but we plan to make them obtainable in the game soon. To prevent these items from being overpowered, it is only recommended to use them at LVL +2,000. We also added a qunora arrow that system features acts like a unlimited diamond arrow.

Cursed Chest System: Across the vast Qumora Cursed Island continent, Cursed Chests can spawn in a random place at any time. They stay around for a while before despawning and spawning somewhere else. Stand next to the chest and say the phrase "aperta" to open it. A dialog will pop up enabling you to open it or remove it. A portal will summon, giving you access to the arena. This portal will stay open for 60 seconds, and once entered, you cannot return. Battle through 5 challenging waves of demonic and diabolic creatures. You have a total of 15 minutes, 3 minutes per wave, to complete the challenge. Defeating all the waves unlocks the true treasure of the chest for all participants. You get 60 seconds to loot your rewards, after which you will be teleported back.

Daily Token System: In Qumora, we do not believe in play-to-win. For this reason, we have added a Qumora Daily Token System. You receive 1 Qumora Token for every hour you're online per IP. Shop located bottom of Thais DP.

Custom Qumora Boss: Ghost Demon - Monday: Spawn Time 12:00:00 Drops: Lasting Exercise Weapon, Eye Of The Storm, Soul Items Etc.

Frozen Golem - Wednesday: Spawn Time 12:00:00 Drops: Resilience Potions, Amplification Potion, Tibia Coin, Stamina Refill, Premium Points Etc.

God Alan - Friday: Spawn Time 12:00:00 Drops: Falcon Items, Gold Token, Silver Token, Qumora Arrow, Qumora Boots, Premium Scroll, Tibia Coins Etc.

Qumora Infected Tower Event: To get players to gather up more, we have introduced the following event where you will kill bosses with a team to get to the top of the tower to receive a reward. It should be noted you will need a team to complete.

Fast Teleport System: We have decided to add a fast teleport system for premiums to use to access boss and monster hunts.

Monster Dung System: For Fast XP Solo Or Team Hunt: New Dung System all monsters have x2 xp. You will need a special key to get inside this dung. This is a time limit system, and the key can be obtained from the cursed chest system.

Sanguine Crafting System: To make this game more of a challenge, we introduced a crafting system where you can create Sanguine. This system will require you to loot and kill bosses and have online time to craft these items.

Custom Item Quest: To make this server not play-to-win, we introduced a quest that allows players to obtain the following items: Qumora unlimited arrow








9.5.2024 -
Beta Mode

We are currently in beta mode, upgrading to Tibia 13.32.

Creature of the Day Boss of the Day Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Level: 21805 / Sorcerer
Rp Dreams
Level: 1564 / Royal Paladin
Kosiarz Master
Level: 1504 / Master Sorcerer
Boss Kosiarz
Level: 1480 / Elite Knight
Tseero Rp
Level: 1266 / Royal Paladin
Server Save
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